• Exhibitions

    A gift from the artist 2022


    Dicember 28, 2021 –  Jennuary 13, 2022

    Works in show:

    Martina Mura – il mantello del cielo, pigmento naturale indigo, filo da ricamo, cm 332×280, 2022;
    nuvole, pigmento naturale indigo, 8 pezzi, cm 60×280, 2022

    Marina Cuccus – di terra e di cielo, video durata 10′

    Samuele Arisci – performance, durata 20′ 

    Giulia Scano – as above so below,  brano musicale:  arpe, viole, synths, garriti, tuoni sordi, voci (Luna Cancedda, Clelia Onida, Dario Cosseddu, Giulia Scano, Loredana Pasta),   durata 20′

    L’artista regala è l’appuntamento annuale dal 27 al 30 dicembre nel quale la ricerca poetica degli artisti accompagna in nostro pubblico al nuovo anno. Quest’anno ospita il progetto di terra e di cielo di Marina Cuccus con Samuele Arisci – performer, Marina Cuccus – video art, Martina Mura – arte visiva, e Giulia Scano – sound design, in un progetto corale che coinvolge tutte le arti: pittura, teatro, danza, musica, poesia.

    Nel 2023, fino al 13 gennaio, la mostra  prosegue senza la performance dal vivo ma solo con un filmato che riproduce parte del fascino e poesia delle 3 giornate di fine anno.

    scarica catalogo





  • Exhibitions

    Laura De Stasio – THE FOUR SEASONS

    October 5 – 28,  2022

    Works in show:

    mixed media on canvas, cm 60×80, 2021

    mixed media on canvas, cm 100×70, 2021

    mixed media on canvas, cm 100×70, 2022

    mixed media on canvas, cm 60×80, 2022

    and then spring again

    acrylic on wallpaper, cm 266×240, 2022

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    Laura De Stasio (Turin 1975) lives and works in Turin.
    Instagram Laura De Stasio

  • Exhibitions

    Angelo Spatola – THE REVERSE DIRECTION

     June 15 –  September 9,  2022

    Works on display:
    Nuvola rosa
    enamal on canvas sectioned and glued on support, confetti, iridescent film
    cm 30×45 cad. (total cm 60×90), 4 pieces
    La finestra di casa mia
    enamal on canvas sectioned and glued on support, confetti, iridescent film
    cm 44×66 cad. (total cm 88×66), 2 pieces

    enamel on paper, iridescent film
    cm 14,8×21 cad., 22 pieces
    enamel on wood, iridescent film
    cm 36×52

    scarica catalogo

    Angelo Spatola (Torino 1987) lives and works in Turin.

    catalog text: Fabio Vito Lacertosa

    photos:  Marco Fronteddu

  • Exhibitions

    Martina Mura – Inventare il mondo

     April 27 – May 13, 2022

    Works in show:
    BANCADATI – 91 organic seeds and clay, variable dimensions, 2019/22
    acrylic and tempera on paper, 38 pieces cm 13,5×13,5 each, 2020/22
    ROSA DEL DESERTO – acrilico su tela, cm 112×151, 2021
    UNA PIETRA FATTA DI SOLE – acrylic on canvans, cm 40×60, 2021
    ACQUA DOLCE – acrylic on canvans, cm 70×60, 2021
    FLUMEN – acrylic on canvans, cm 50×40, 2021
    BRACE – acrylic on canvans, cm 40×30, 2021
    CELESTE – acrylic on canvans, cm 35×28, 2021
    AL LARGO, DISPERSE (4 pieces) – acrylic on canvans, cm 25×18 each, 2022
    PRENDERE IL MARE – acrylic on canvans, cm 120×83,5, 2022
    IN VOLO – acrylic on canvans, cm 40×30, 2022
    VENIRE ALLA LUCE – acrylic on canvans, cm 52×62, 2022
    RADICE – acrylic on canvans, cm 180×60, 2022

    dowload catalog

    Martina Mura (Cagliari 1993).
    Lives and works in Venice.

    photo credits:
    Marco Fronteddu

  • Exhibitions

    Angelo Liberati – QUALITATIVE EASING

    March 23 – April 8  2022

    Works list:
    print transfer on bindakote cardboard, cm 70×100, 2021/22
    print transfer on bindakote cardboard, cm 70×100, 2021/22
    print transfer on bindakote cardboard, cm 70×100, 2021/22
    print transfer on bindakote cardboard, cm 70×100, 2021/22

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    Angelo Liberati (Frascati 1946). Lives and works in  Cagliari.


    photo credits – Marco Fronteddu

  • Exhibitions

    Raffaello Ugo – Untitled

    November 22 – Dicember 7  2018

    Technical sheet: n. 10 heuristic wall machines (iron wire, 0.01 euro coins, wood, cotton thread, small iron sheets, 2018), n.1 water heuristic machine (stainless steel pot, tin can, cotton thread, iron wire, venetian slates, cigar tin case, 2007).

    Heuristic machines are “poor” sculptures made of worn iron wires, wax residue and frayed wood, the result of the artist’s constant research and investigation on the destiny of “things” through the passage of time.

    Physical and philosophical conundrums, solved with poetry and science.

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    Raffaello Ugo (Empoli 1957) vive e lavora a Monserrato (CA).


    fphoto credits Marco Fronteddu

  • Exhibitions

    A gift from the artist 2021

    Dicember 27/30, 2021

    Work on display:

    Paulina Herrera Letelier – Cityscape, 42 terracotta elements, room size installation, approx.10×10 cm each, 2020-2021

    Antonio Mallus – Volcano, acrylic on canvas, 140×120 cm, 2017

    Martina Mura – Glaciale, acrylic on canvas, 30×30 cm, 2021; Monoliths, acrylic on canvas, 44×47 cm, 2021


    A gift from the artist is the annual appointment from 27 to 30 December in which the poetic research of the artists accompanies our audience to the new year. This year it is  Paulina Herrera Letelier, Antonio Mallus and  Martina Mura to say goodbye from 2021.


  • Exhibitions

    Selby Hickey – Bianco & Nero

    December 8/24, 2021

    Opere in mostra:
    B&N #1 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020  –  B&N #17 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020
    B&N #2 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020  –  B&N #18 – photo, cm 42×26, 2020
    B&N #3 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020  –  B&N #19 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020
    B&N #4 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020  –  B&N #20 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020
    B&N #5 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020  –  B&N #21 – photo, cm 28×48, 2020
    B&N #6 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020  –  B&N #22 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020
    B&N #7 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020  –  B&N #23 – photo, cm 56×28, 2020
    B&N #8 – photo, cm 47×42, 2020  –  B&N #24 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020
    B&N #9 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020  –  B&N #25 – photo, cm 69×28, 2020
    B&N #10 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020 –  B&N #26 – photo, cm 29×36, 2020
    B&N #11 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020 –  B&N #27 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020
    B&N #12 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020 –  B&N #28 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020
    B&N #13 – photo, cm 28×34, 2020 –  B&N #29 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020
    B&N #14 – photo, cm 66×28, 2020 –  B&N #31 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020
    B&N #15 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020 –  B&N #32 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020
    B&N #16 – photo, cm 42×29, 2020 –  B&N #33 – photo, cm 29×42, 2020

    scarica il catalogo

    Selby Hickey (Newton, Massachusetts, USA 1943).
    Lives and works in NewYork.

    photo credits – Marco Fronteddu

  • Exhibitions

    Annalisa Pascai Saiu – La Situatiòn

    October 6/22,  2021

    Works on display:

    Jakin e Bohas, steel and glass structure,
    mixed media on parchment paper,cm 122x10x6, 2021
    Da un parto senza madre (a Mariangela Gualtieri), carbon on paper, cm 1000×150, 2021
    About the mysteriously alchemy of the woman flower, mixed media on paper, cm 180×150, 2021

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    Annalisa Pascai Saiu (Iglesias 1988) Lives and works in Turin.

    photo credits – Marco Fronteddu

  • Exhibitions

    Samuele Pigliapochi – Superfluido

    September 8/24, 2021

    Opere in mostra:
    Superfluido 8 – acrylic on layered paper, cm 400×150, 2021
    Superfluido 7 – acrylic on layered paper, cm 220×150, 2021
    Superfluido 5 – mixed technique on panel, cm 37x45x8, 2021
    Superfluido 4 – mixed technique on panel, cm 25x33x12, 2021
    Superfluido 3 – mixed technique on panel, cm 28x35x10, 2021
    Superfluido 2 – mixed technique on panel, cm 40×30, 2021
    Superfluido 1 – mixed technique on panel, cm 45×32, 2021
    Senza titolo, mixed technique on canvas, cm 20×35, 2018
    Senza titolo, mixed technique on canvas, cm 20×35, 2018
    Senza titolo, mixed technique on canvas, cm 20×35, 2018
    Senza titolo, mixed technique on  mdf, n. 3 pieces, cm 39x27x1 each, 2018
    Carta, vinyl paint on cardboard, cm 29,7×21, 2021

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    Samuele Pigliapochi (Jesi 1987) lives and works in Turin.

    photo credits – Marco Fronteddu