February 8/24, 2023

Works on display:
120 digital images were projected continuously for 72 hours (Wednesday to Friday) on the end wall of the gallery Spazio E_EMME
The only observation point was from the outside of the room through the slot in the metal shutter of the room.
OVER GAME was, is, and will be a game like art: in order to participate, spectators had to put aside "good manners" and take a peek at how children, voyeurs, hobbies, fetishists, intellectuals, the curious, choosing or complicity in the dark or quietly appearing during the day in an unseemly attitude to the gaze of passers-by.
Thanks to all who participated and to those who allowed their photo to be used to document the exhibition.
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Andrea Colombu was born in Cagliari in 1973 where he still lives and works today. He attended the "Foiso Fois" state art school in Cagliari. After graduating, in the mid-1990s, he moved to Perugia, where he attended the "Pietro Vannucci" Academy of Fine Arts. The first works are from that decade, and the initial themes that characterize them are strongly affected by the influence of gestural painting, and refer to artistic movements such as Informal Art. While formal research drives him to study the purest geometries, the contamination of conceptual art leads him to embrace the idea of symbolic content. The last years of the decade saw him fully experimenting with materials. Paper, stone, iron, charcoal, chalk and ink. After completing his academic studies, in 2000 he completely abandoned the use of matter to tackle new compositional techniques and processes, such as photography and vector graphics, often supported by drawing. Daily processes that take on a meditative and introspective character, in the observation of contemporary society. www.instagram.com/unodelmacabro