6-8 June 2018

Technical sheet: 7 paints on paper for food, 2 ink and watercolor on glossy paper, a moleskine booklet with water-colored paper inserts.
Ti racconto una storia (I’ll tell you a tale) is an intimate tale, partly an autobiographical one, about the conquest of awareness and the achievement of adulthood.
With images close by taste to the illustrations of fables, Roberto Falchi accompanies us through the choices, experiences, joys and disappointments that mark our existence up to self-(in)consciousness.
It is difficult to establish when this happens: we can only be sure that, at a certain moment, the world of childhood and adolescence no longer belongs to us. Pragmatic urgencies are superimposed on idealized projects, programs to be implemented according to the available means and immediate feasibility and usability, even if devoid of poetics and imagination.
And, on the possibility of recovering the age of innocence, this work invites us to find, by isolating individual episodes, the memory and the taste of discovery, the indeterminacy and indefiniteness of feelings, the freshness of emotions.
One for all: being in love.
Biography: Roberto Falchi (Cagliari 1980) lives and works in Quartu Sant’Elena. After studying at the Liceo Artistico of Cagliari, he continued his training at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, achieving with the highest marks the degree in Painting with the prof. Renato Ranaldi, with the correlation of Radu Dragomirescu. From 2001 to 2004, he collaborated at the Ceramic Laboratory of the artist Claudio Pulli in Selargius, CA. In 2004 the artist Bertrand Lavièr asked him for a collaboration to do a job at the Pecci Museum in Prato. In 2004, he collaborated with Radu Dragomirescu for the realization of the preparation of an exhibition at the Church of Barnabiti in Florence. In 2011, he specialized in visual arts and performing arts. He currently teaches Image Art in a secondary school.